Biomass Supply

Quantifying and managing land use impacts of bioenergy

Date Sep 2011

Task 43 Publications

IEA joint meeting of Tasks 38, 40 & 43
Campinas, Brazil September 19-21, 2011

Presentations for download:

Plenary session 1

Parallel session 2a

Parallel session 2b

Parallel session 3a

Parallel session 3b

Plenary session 4

Workshop Summary

IEA Bioenergy Tasks 38/40/43 and CTBE, the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory, jointly organized in Campinas, Brazil (September 19-21 2011) an international workshop on ”Quantifying and managing land use effects of bioenergy”. This workshop brought together state-of-the-art research concerned with assessing land use effects of bioenergy, mitigating negative impacts, and promoting beneficial outcomes. More than ninety scientists and policy makers mainly from Brazil, Europe Canada and the United States came together to compare and discuss recent methodological developments, outcomes of case studies and subsequent policy implications. In addition, participants joined in a field trip to either a sugar and bioethanol plant including harvest of sugarcane or a eucalypt plantation where all the operations from site preparation and planting to harvest were shown. A summary article from the workshop with an overview of the main findings and discussions will be submitted to the journal “Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining”. All presentations (46) and most of the posters (7) are available online on all three Task websites. Thanks to all organizers, especially Arnaldo Walter and Regis Leal from CTBE, for their successful effort.