Business Model for Bio-hubs: An international perspective
The Forest Research Institute at University of the Sunshine Coast is pleased to invite you to attend an online workshop on Business Model for Bio-hubs: An international perspective.
There is growing interest in mobilizing underutilized biomass across Australia and New Zealand to meet the anticipated demand for bioenergy and biofuels to help achieving emissions reduction target and to support the decarbonization of industries facing an increasing carbon price. Based on the input obtained from previous workshops and ongoing research by IEA Bioenergy, a theoretical business model for biomass processing centres or “bio-hubs” was developed by IEA Bioenergy. The objective of this workshop is to move this business model from a concept to implementation based on the expert knowledge of participants and identify what would be needed for actors along the value chain to engage in bio-hubs.
Please register your attendance by completing the pre-work shop online survey (available here).
Presenters: Dr Biljana Kulisic (IEA Bioenergy Task 43), Dr Bruno Gagnon (Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service)
Format: 2.5 hours online workshop via zoom
Timing: 4 June 2024, 2:00-4:30 pm Queensland time.
Zoom in link:
Meeting ID: 842 2897 5082
Zoom app:
Phone: +61 2 8015 2088
Room System:
Need additional info: Please contact Dr Mohammad R. Ghaffariyan at or Tel: 07 5456 5447